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How To Relieve Nausea From Semaglutide: 6 Tips

Learn 6 ways to help reduce your nausea when using weight loss medications like Semaglutide.

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Semaglutide is a popular medication to help people lose weight, as well as helping those with type 2 diabetes regulate their blood sugar levels. You might be familiar with this medication as the active ingredient inside of Wegovy, Ozempic, and Rybelsus.

While this may be a helpful medication to help people shed weight and manage diabetes, ⅕ or more of users may experience nausea. This side effect comes about mainly from how the medication works. Semaglutide helps slow down your digestion and how fast food leaves your stomach. This is a good thing when it comes to weight loss and blood sugar control – but it may leave you feeling a bit queasy.

If you are considering or starting on Semaglutide, it may be helpful to have some nausea relief tips in your back pocket, just in case. Luckily, for many users, nausea seems to be more prominent when just starting on Semaglutide or when increasing your dosage. So, it may only be temporary, and subside as you continue on the treatment.

Below, we will cover the 6 best tips to relieve nausea from Semaglutide.

1. Stay hydrated

Staying well hydrated may help you stave of nausea while you are using Semaglutide. Not only does it help your digestion go smoother, it can also help keep you hydrated if your nausea progresses to vomiting.

Sip on ice-cold water or flavored waters, and try avoiding overly sugary beverages.

2. Eat smaller meals slowly

Eating smaller portions more slowly can help your stomach acclimate to food lingering a little longer. Not only will this help you from feeling uncomfortably full or nauseous, but it may help you consume fewer calories too. This may aid in your weight loss efforts.

To make sure you are still fueling your body while eating less, be sure to make smart food choices to still meet your protein and nutrient goals. Lean proteins, vegetables, and fruit can all be smart choices.

3. Avoid lying down after eating

Try to avoid lying down too quickly after eating when using Semaglutide. Since your food will linger in your stomach longer than usual, also lying down will increase your chances of reflux, discomfort, and nausea.

Instead, have your last meal of the day long before bedtime, and try to get a post-meal walk-in to keep things moving and avoid digestive discomfort.

4. Choose low-fat bland foods

The foods that you choose to eat when using Semaglutide may decide if you feel nauseous or not. Since food will stay in your stomach for longer, certain choices will feel more comfortable than others.

For instance, heavy, greasy, fatty, or spicy foods may leave you feeling nauseous or uncomfortable for long after the meal. But, gentler, more bland, easier-to-digest foods like rice, lean proteins, cooked vegetables, toast, or bananas may be less likely to trigger your nausea.

5. Ramp your dosage up slowly

People report having the worst nausea when they first start Semaglutide, or just after they increase their dosage. After, this, your body will slowly acclimate to the medication, and side effects like nausea may subside.

To help make your transition up to the stronger doses of Semaglutide more comfortable, most doctors will start you on a starter dosage, and ramp you up slowly over the course of many months. This is to help lessen the side effects and help you stay on the medication long-term. Avoid increasing your dosage too fast to help avoid severe nausea.

6. Try supplements and herbs to aid in digestion

Certain roots, herbs, and supplements might help make your digestion and nausea symptoms more comfortable. Ginger root and peppermint are two commonly used tools to aid in nausea reduction. You can find these in chews, teas, drinks, or capsules.

PeptideVite from Zen Nutrients is a supplement crafted by doctors and pharmacists to help aid in comfortable digestion, especially when using GLP-1 inhibitors like Semaglutide. This supplement contains ginger and peppermint, as well as many other herbs and vitamins meant to help your stomach feel a little better.

Strut Health Semaglutide medications and PeptideVite digestion supplements online

Here at Strut Health, you can buy oral or injectable Semaglutide medications through a U.S.-licensed doctor and U.S. compounding pharmacy. All you need to do is complete a free online questionnaire-based consultation to make sure this medication is a good fit for you. If it is, simply checkout, and your medication will be put together and shipped to you from a U.S. compounding pharmacy.

If you want to try PeptideVite along with your Semaglutide for digestive comfort, you can order this supplement directly from Strut Health as well.

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