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How Much Weight Do You Lose the First Month on Semaglutide?

Learn more about how much weight to expect to lose during the first month on Semaglutide.

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Semaglutide is a medication that can be used for type 2 diabetes treatment, or as an aid for weight loss. You might be familiar with Semaglutide as the active ingredient inside of the brand-name medications Wegovy, Ozempic, and Rybelsus. But, you can find real Semaglutide medications from compounding pharmacies, too (like through us, here at Strut Health).

When you first start on Semaglutide for weight loss, you may have heard all the hype and positive outcomes and expect the weight to melt off right away. However, it is important to know just what to expect realistically in those first few months. 

Below, we will cover just how much weight some people can lose their first month on Semaglutide, why the first month may not show the scale moving yet for others, and some tips to try and get the best possible results that first month and beyond.

How much weight can you lose the first month on Semaglutide?

According to some of the Semaglutide clinical trials, there are reports of people losing up to 5% of their body weight in that first month on Semaglutide. Others reported that approximately 5.9% of body weight was lost after 3 months – this may average out to close to 1-2% in the first month, assuming all months had a similar weight loss rate.

So, some people can expect to see the pounds shed pretty early on in their Semaglutide journey. Although, keep in mind that these numbers may reflect some of the best possible results, given that participants knew they were being measured, were asked to follow healthy diet and exercise schedules, etc. 

While these are very promising, and definitely point to the weight loss capabilities of Semaglutide, it’s possible that in the wild (not in a clinical trial) people may experience a little bit of a different result those first few months. No weight loss yet, or minimal weight loss in the first weeks and months can also be normal and part of the process. We will explain more below.

Why might some people not lose any weight yet in the first month?

Your first few months on Semaglutide are likely spent working through the starting dosages to help you get to your ultimate maintenance dosage.

While you might get impatient going through these starting dosages, and want to just right to the stronger ones. Know that this is done for your benefit and will likely positively affect your outcome in the long run. Since Semaglutide medications can come along with uncomfortable side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation – you want to help your body acclimate to keep these as minimal as possible. This is done by slowly increasing your dosage over the first few months. Meaning, your first month will likely be the very low starting dosage. This slow ramp-up will help you from jumping in too fast, not being able to handle the side effects, and quitting the treatment altogether. So, patience is key.

However, the trade-off here, is you might not see any weight loss in the first month. To help get through this month, it may be beneficial to look at the first month or two as settling or adjusting months, and not expect weight loss until a little further in.

So, no weight loss in the first month can be totally normal. It also does not mean that you will not lose weight on the medication in time, just be patient and work your way up to the higher dosages.

What are some factors that may help Semaglutide work as soon as the first month?

If you are wanting to hop into your Semaglutide journey with enthusiasm, and give yourself the best possible results in that very first month, there may be a few things you can implement.

Firstly, know that while this medication can aid in weight loss, it can’t out-treat a bad diet. This means that even if you are feeling less hungry, if you push it and still somehow manage to get in the same amount of calories each day – you won’t see that scale move. Your best bet for the best results in the first month is to implement a healthy, balanced, reduced-calorie diet, that has you eating fewer calories than you were before. Calories aside, choosing healthier foods can also have a positive impact here. Opt for lean proteins, whole grains, veggies, and low glycemic-index fruits.

Secondly, this is an optimal time to get your exercise habits up and running (maybe literally). Exercise not only helps you burn more calories during, it can ramp up your metabolism even during the hours you are at rest, and help build that all-important lean muscle mass. Experiment with some exercises you enjoy that you are more likely to stick with. Ultimately, you are aiming for at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. This can look like 5 30-minute sessions of weight training, speed walking, swimming, biking – whatever you like.

Some people may have some positive results from only incorporating Semaglutide and not really changing much else. But, you really increase your chances of faster and longer-term weight loss success by taking diet changes and exercise habits to heart.

Strut Health Semaglutide medications prescribed online

Here at Strut Health, we offer compounded Semaglutide medications online. We carry two formulations, an oral Semaglutide lozenge, and an injectable Semaglutide solution.

To learn more about our products and get started today, simply select the product you are interested in, and complete a free online questionnaire-base doctor’s consultation in under 15 minutes. Our U.S. licensed doctors will review your information and make sure this medication is a good fit for you. If it is, you will check out, and your medication will be put together at a U.S. compounding pharmacy and shipped to your front door.

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