While we don’t condone everyone going to town poking, popping, and prodding at every pimple that pops up - if you have gotten this far, chances are you are going to make this a DIY task.
The absolute best way to go about clearing out your pores and extracting pimples is to go to a professional, to ensure you don’t run into common at-home pimple-popping issues like:
Another good option is to let the blemish run its course while you help it out with measures like a warm compress, acne washes, or spot treatments.
But, if you are going to extract at home you need to do it the right way.
In this article, we will cover some of the best (and safest) ways to pop a pimple yourself without making things worse.
Step 1: Wash your face with a gentle acne cleanser and pat dry.
Step 2: Wash your hands thoroughly.
Step 3: Sterilize a pin or a needle with alcohol.
Step 4: Carefully, while holding the needle parallel to your face (not aiming at it!) barely pierce just the very top white tip of the pimple and then remove the needle.
Step 5: Wrap your fingers in a clean tissue and place fingertips on the skin next to the pimple.
Step 6: Gently tighten the skin by pulling away from the pimple to allow the pimple to drain itself.
Step 7: If that does not fully drain the pimple, you may squeeze very lightly with two cotton swabs to expel the inside contents of the pimple.
Step 8: Clean and disinfect the area with witch hazel or an alcohol-based toner.
Step 1: Wash your face with a gentle acne cleanser and pat dry.
Step 2: Wash your hands thoroughly.
Step 3: Using two clean cotton swabs on either side of the blemish, gently squeeze the blackhead to expel the inside contents of the pimple.
Step 4: If the blackhead does not pop out with this gentle pressure, it may not be ready to pop and you can try it again another day.
Step 5: Clean and disinfect the area with witch hazel or an alcohol-based toner.
If you find yourself dealing with a deeper situation, like a blind pimple, cyst, or nodule, that does not have a head to it, under no circumstances should you attempt to pop it.
These kinds of blemishes are much deeper and the risk of you spreading or worsening the infection is much higher if you start messing with it.
These are best handled by a professional, or with topical agents and warm compresses.
If you find you are constantly in a battle with your skin to keep acne at bay, you may be better off looking into a long-term topical treatment instead of fighting off pimples one by one.
Strut Acne Formula is a compounded doctor and pharmacist formulated acne cream that contains prescription-strength Tretinoin, a topical antibiotic, and a soothing B-Vitamin to keep pimples from forming in the first place.
Have a Free Online Visit with our doctors today to see if Strut Acne Formula is the acne fix you have been looking for (without any popping).